Babylon [ /ˈbæbəˌlɑn/ ] is the current version release of the Radix network that debuted smart contracts and the Radix Engine execution environment. The migration from the Alexandria release occurred at epoch 32717 on the 28th September 2023.

THE MEME STUDIO | Web3 Marketing Agency

Page Sponsor: The Meme Studio: Web3 Marketing Agency

Launch Date
State Model
Shard Groups
Sybil Protection
Consensus Protocol
Execution Environment v2
Programming Language
Validator Node Cap 100


Native Assets

Assets like tokens being ‘native’ means that they are in-built, first-order functions of the language, rather than being second-order prescriptions of a smart contract. Tokens, NFTs, badges, and pool units are all ‘resources’ in this paradigm, as understood by the Radix Engine.

Native assets offer benefits for both ease and security of dApp development and improved user experience in the Radix Wallet.

Each asset's unique behaviour and data are expressed in the resource configuration rather than complex smart contract code, allowing the Radix Wallet to display all necessary information in a clear, human-readable way.

In the future, physical scanning of Native Assets through NFC technology will also be possible. All Native Assets are held in user Smart Accounts, which include the ability to prove control through a signed challenge.

Smart Accounts

A smart account is a component on the Radix ledger that can hold assets and allow logical operations on those assets. This includes multi-factor authentication and gated deposits. Smart accounts can be created ‘virtually’ without a transaction and are easily configured via the Radix Wallet.

Account Abstraction

The Babylon release will introduce account abstraction, simplifying user interactions with the Radix platform and providing an improved experience compared to Ethereum's EIP-4337. This feature will be more easily updated and adopted across the ecosystem.

Radix Wallet

The Radix Wallet is an iOS / Android application built specifically for Radix’s Babylon release and designed for native DeFi and web3 use. The wallet will replace the current Radix desktop wallet and is expected to offer improved security and user experience, allowing users to import their Olympia JSON files and passwords without entering seed phrases online. This feature is designed to protect users from keylogger attacks.


A persona is a set of user data that resides in the Radix Wallet. Personas may be tailored to contain web3 information such as a wallet address as well as personal information such as an email address, phone number and address. The information is stored on-chain, reducing the burden of data liability and risk of theft. Personas can be selectively hidden and revealed when interacting with decentralized applications (dApps), which also enables password-less login on web3 websites, verified by a cryptographic ‘challenge’.

Transaction Manifests

Transaction manifests are a feature of the Radix Wallet that provides the user with a human-readable summary of every operation within an atomic transaction before it is signed.